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General conditions

1. Fees

1.1 TPE’s annual membership fee is €5.000 (excluding VAT) for all types of Membership.

1.2 All new Members shall be required to pay a one-time accession fee. The entrance fee amounts to € 1.300 (excluding VAT). The fee must be paid on TPE’s Belgian bank account No. BE 18 0018 6228 0456 at BNPParibasFortis Bank.

1.3. Transfers received on TPE’s bank account should clearly mention in the justification:

  • The name of your Agency
  • The purpose of payment and the related financial year. (e.g. “Agency Name” – annual fees – 2022).

2. Membership Year

2.1 TPE’s Membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December every year.

2.2 Members joining part way through a year (i.e. not in January) will pay on a pro-rata basis. For example, a member joining on 1 July would be invoiced for 50% of the annual fee for the remaining 6 months of the year.

3. Automatic Re-invoicing

3.1 Membership fees are automatically re-invoiced at the beginning of each year unless otherwise stated by the Member

4. Invoices

4.1 Invoices are payable at the end of the month following the date of the invoice. For example, if an invoice is issued on 15th January, it should be paid by 28th February.

4.2 Non-payment of the Membership fee after the 1st of April will result in suspension of the voting right and the loss of the right to present candidates in elections for the Board of Directors and any other Committee of the Association. Payments will always be taken into account for the oldest open debt.

5. Resignation of Membership

5.1 All members are entitled to resign from TPE by e-mailing a letter of resignation to the BoD. Resignation will then be effective as from the end of the month following the date of the resignation letter. The resigning Member will have the obligation to pay on a pro-rata basis plus one month. For example, a member sending a resignation letter on 15th April will be obliged to pay 5/12 of the membership fee. Please note, that the resignation will incur no effect on the current membership fees and current obligations.

5.2 Should a Μember not wish to continue the membership at the end of the year, they must inform TPE in writing within 30 days of the date of the invoice. Should the resignation letter not be received within 30 days of the date of the invoice, the Membership will be assumed and the invoice will be payable.


Authorised Representative

Substitute Representative

Relevant information of the Organisation

In order to be complete the submission you are required to upload the following documentation :
– Proof of legal status
– Latest annual report
– Detailed description of activities
– Organisation promotional literature (newsletters, organigram, etc.)
– Others (Please, specify)
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
There are three strategic support categories: Tier 1: 15.000 € Tier 2: 10.000 € Tier 3: 5.000 €
Please, in order to join kindly fill in the benchmark survey:
If you want to download in PDF-format, click here.