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Fall General Assembly, November 2023

The session began with presentations from Anne Lanigan of Enterprise Ireland (EI), Natalia Peces of ICEX, and Sonja Demsar of Spirit Slovenia, highlighting their organisations' efforts in digital transformation to support SMEs. Key themes included raising awareness, developing skills, and providing financial support for digitalisation. Discussion revolved around challenges such as legal obstacles and mindset shifts required for successful digital transformation.

A panel discussion led by Marie Beheyt from AWEX emphasised the importance of TPOs collaborating to share best practices and navigate digitalisation challenges. Different TPOs shared their approaches and experiences with AI adoption and digital platforms.

The subsequent session overviewed EU policies on digital transformation, presented by Beatriz Alvargonzalez from the European Commission. Legislative aspects including GDPR, AI regulation, and the Digital Services Act were discussed, along with initiatives to foster innovation and ensure economic security in the digital era.

Helena Rodrigues from DG CONNECT highlighted European Digital Hubs, which offer grants and services to support digital transformation in industries. The collaboration between TPOs and Digital Hubs was emphasised as beneficial for SMEs seeking digitalisation support.

Finally, perspectives from company representatives Fernando Escudero (Barrabés), Ricardo Fioretti (Telefónica Tech), and Sandra Infante (Nebext) underscored the importance of mindset, leadership, and continuous adaptation for successful digital transformation within companies.

Overall, the sessions emphasised the critical role of TPOs, EU policies, and company strategies in driving digital transformation, highlighting challenges, collaborative opportunities, and the need for ongoing support and adaptation in the digital age.